
Restaurants for Sale


Former Pizza Restaurant Fully Equipped FREE to Qualified Tenant

Atlanta Restaurant for Lease Fully Equipped and Ready to go. 30 second drive from I-85 and located across I-85 from Discover Mills, a 1,200,000 square foot mall developed by the Mills Corporation. Strong daytime traffic from the many office buildings in the area, as well as the Duluth and Lawrenceville markets at night.

Other Uses In the Area:
McDonald’s, Waffle House, Subway, Amoco, BP, Texaco Express Lube, China Gate Chinese Restaurant and Miscellaneous Retail Space.

Population - 5-mile radius: 215,568
Avg. Household Income: $73,281

Daily Traffic Counts:
23,440 (2008)

This fully equipped former Pizza Restaurant is ready to go. Everything is included - Pizza Ovens, Refrigeration, Hood, Grease Trap, Even Tables and Chairs.

Don't wait on this one - it will not last. Excellent rental rate at only $2293 per month.


  • Listing#:2258
  • Price: $0
  • Location:Florida

Lease Term: 5 plus 5 lease to be negotiated

Monthly Rent: $2,293

Inside Sq. Ft: 1,400


  • Less than $2300 a month including CAMS
  • Fully Equipped with hood, walk in cooler, pizza oven, too much to list
  • Even the table and chairs remain ready to go
  • Strong daytime traffice from office building
  • Good evening traffic from Lawrenceville and Duluth Markets
  • Population in 5 mile radius: 215,568
  • Average HH income of $73,281
  • Space is 1400 Square Feet and Ready to Go
  • Landlord Says - Lets Make a Deal
  • Fully Equipped Pizza

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