
Restaurants for Sale


Office Building Cafe for Sale in Perimeter - Sacrifice Deal

Office building cafe for sale in Atlanta in Perimeter area is a great opportunity and a sacrifice sale.  Seller has health problems so he asked the restaurant brokers to handle this quickly and confidentially. Large dining area with seating for approximately 40 has attractive and upgraded seating and furniture.  Parking is not an issue for this office building cafe for sale in Atlanta.  There is plenty of parking in the six building office campus where this restaurant resides.  Campus is 80% occupied and that translates into thousands of visitors per day into this office building cafe for sale.  Clients also visit from the surrounding community. One satellite location is included in this business operation. Sales at this office building cafe for sale are currently between $800 to $1000 a day.  Seller has no books and records so this is an asset sale.  Buyers can verify daily sales. 

This office building cafe for sale includes a private room for rental to clubs and organization that is well utilized but could be improved by a strong marketing effort.  Plenty of room to add a hot or cold bar if you want to expand the menu of this office building cafe for sale. 

Rent for this outstanding location is $1300 per month and utilities are capped at $1000 per month (water, electric and gas).  Space is easily managed at approximately 2500 square feet.   Open from 7am to 3pm five days a week but you could extend hours for greater sales and more opportunity.

Fully equipped kitchen can be used for catering and other sources of revenue.  Office cafe for sale includes a hood with fire suppression system, grease trap, walk in cooler and freezer equipment along with a convection oven.  Pick this up and you have plenty of equipment to operate a thriving location and add in a big catering business.  

Super location in the Perimeter area of Atlanta.  This area lines the northern half of I-285 and has become a buzzing business district.  Office café for sale is nearby Perimeter Mall where all the latest fashions and food can be found in almost 200 stores and restaurants.   This super regional shopping mall filled with high end retailers sits in Dunwoody (just north of Atlanta) and with easy access to Interstate 285 and Georgia 400.

Contact restaurant broker Peter Antoniades for specific details and to qualify for information on this office building café for sale in the Perimeter area.


  • Listing#:3717
  • Price: $150,000
  • Location:Georgia

Lease Term: 4 1/2 plus 5 option

Monthly Rent: $1.33

Indoor Seating: 75

Inside Sq. Ft: 2, 500

Hood System: Yes


  • Fully equipped kitchen can be used for catering and other sources of revenue.
  • Includes a hood with fire suppression system, grease trap, walk in cooler and freezer equipment along with a convection oven.
  • Super location in the Perimeter area of Atlanta
  • Rent for this outstanding location is $1300 per month and utilities are capped at $1000 per month
  • Space is easily managed at approximately 2500 square feet.
  • Exend hours for greater sales and more opportunity.
  • Sales at this office building cafe for sale are currently between $800 to $1000 a day.
  • Office Building Cafe
not found
Business listed by:
President, CBI

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